President of Somalia:Sheikh Sharif Ahmed |
Rising Star Ayub Daud: Juventus Are The Best The teenage striker signed his first professional contract earlier this week and looks forward to his future in Bianconero… and Azzurro.6 Mar 2009 09:25:09Ayub Daud grabbed plenty of column inches during the recent Viareggio Carnival Cup, one of the most important youth competitions in Italy. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITY NETWORK 6 Feb 2009 The election-in-exile of a new Somali president lends hope to a dire
situation, but clan complexities, fragile peace processes and humanitarian
crisis make for a very cautious optimism, Georg-Sebastian Holzer writes for ISN
Security Watch. By
Georg-Sebastian Holzer for ISN Security Watch The
Somali parliament-in-exile on 31 January elected the 44-year-old cleric Sheikh
Sharif Ahmed, the former moderate head of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), as
their country’s new president. While this has given many a glimmer of hope that
the country is on a path to stability, the fundamental political struggles in Sharif
Ahmed defeated the candidate favored by the West, Prime Minister Nur Hassan,
who was the driving force behind the UN-sponsored Djibouti peace process that
was initiated to relaunch talks between the increasingly discredited
Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the ever-stronger Islamist
Feb 2009 14:43:36 GMT Source:
IRIN Reuters and AlertNet are not
responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites.
The views expressed are the author's alone. IRIN: What are the biggest
challenges facing your administration? Ahmed: The biggest obstacle is
trying to get people to believe and have hope again that things can and will
get better. The people have suffered and are still suffering. They have been
divided. Rebuilding the unity of our people and nation will be one of our
biggest challenges. Every time they were hopeful, they were knocked back again.
We must keep this hope alive. We also face the task of building
government institutions from scratch. We are basically broke and the country
broken. All these in my opinion are obstacles we will have to deal with
urgently. What role do you expect donors to play?
Somalia: "New U.S. Moves ill_Advised, Counter-Productive"
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